405 W Parallel St. Clifton, KS

#2022 Lease Survey
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The River Valley Extension District's annual Land Leasing Arrangement Survey is available as of December 13th, 2022. The survey is completely anonymous and confidential, and the responses gathered from participants will go a long way to help producers with important information about farmland leasing patterns in the district Participation by anyone who has an active lease anywhere within the four-county area is greatly appreciated.

All surveys will need to be submitted to one of the local extension offices by Friday, February 17th, at
4:30 p.m., so if you plan to send your survey in the mail, please postmark it a few days earlier than the

Luke Byers and Kaitlyn Hildebrand will be hosting a meeting on Tuesday evening, February 21, 2023, at Clifton-Clyde Grade School (405 w Parallel St. ) to review the data retrieved from the survey and discuss important points with local producers from around the district. A meal will be provided at the meeting as well. We hope that many of you from across the four counties in our district will choose to participate and help us to deliver leasing data that you can trust. If you have any questions, please contact Luke Byers in the Clay Center office at (785) 632-5335 ext. 203 or Kaitlyn Hildebrand in the Concordia office at (785) 243-8185 ext. 304

Online versions:

https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5A6vc1DZegx6wR0  (pastureland survey)

https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4VKKnFebnviqrl4  (cropland survey)

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