1501 Goldstein Circle Manhattan, KS 66506-2111

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The K-State School of Music, Theatre, and Dance's QuVee Mock Masterclass Series presents the Boston Brass! This free public concert marks the beginning of a short residency with Boston Brass during the annual Concert Band Clinic.

The ensemble will perform a variety of works from Duke Ellington to J.S. Bach and nearly everything in-between.

Ensemble members for this concert:

Jens Lindemann, trumpet
Jeff Conner, trumpet
Chris Castellanos, horn
Domingo Pagliuca, trombone
William Russell, tuba

About Boston Brass

Since 1986 Boston Brass has set out to establish a one-of-a-kind musical experience featuring colorful classical arrangements, burning jazz standards, and the best of original brass repertoire. Boston Brass treats audiences to a unique brand of musical entertainment that bridges the ocean of classical formality, delighting regular concertgoers and newcomers alike with great music and boisterous fun in performances across all 50 U.S. states and over 30 countries to date.

Music education is at the core of Boston Brass’s identity and the quintet conducts sessions around the world in the form of masterclasses, residencies and collaborations, everywhere
from your local schools to major music conservatories. The quintet has longstanding relationships at many institutions, most notably Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Singapore and North Dakota State University, both schools having named Boston Brass “Visiting Ensemble in Residence” starting in 2024. Boston Brass is also proud to be a member of the International Artistic Advisory Council to the College of Music at Mahidol University in Bangkok, and in 2023 the group was inducted into the prestigious American Bandmasters Association as associate members.

The quintet’s newest album Blues for Sam features a mix of classical and jazz arrangements alongside old favorites and is dedicated to the late Sam Pilaan who can also be heard on
Simple Gifts (2018), Reminiscing (2016), and Rewired (2015). Newly released in 2023 is the album Joe’s Tango, which introduces our world premiere of Jorge Machain’s Five Cities
Concerto alongside the UNLV Wind Orchestra. Other ongoing Boston Brass projects include performances of Gordon Goodwin’s composition Perplexing Times, and premiere performances of Arturo Sandoval’s wind dectet written especially for Boston Brass and Imani Winds.

Boston Brass is a Yamaha Performing Group and performs exclusively on Yamaha instruments.

Boston Brass is Visiting Ensemble in Residence at Yong Siew Toh Conservatory at the National University of Singapore, and the Challey School of Music at North Dakota State University.

More: https://www.bostonbrass.com/


About the QuVee Mock Masterclass Series

Through this series, the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance at K-State brings acclaimed artists from around the globe to share their gifts with students in intimate and exclusive settings. Additionally, the series offers public learning opportunities, enriching the broader community and making K-State a destination for world-class performing arts education.

More: https://www.k-state.edu/mtd/mock/ 

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