K-State Geology Seminar Series Presents

The Origin and Applications of Organic Petrography

by Dr. Michael Lambert
Professor of Geology, K-State

Thursday, 23 Feb 2023 | 4:00-5:00 PM

213 Thompson Hall


Title:  The Origin and Applications of Organic Petrography

Abstract: When people speak about the use of petrographic microscopy, they usually mean in relation to igneous and metamorphic rocks or carbonate and clastic sedimentary rocks. However, organic matter can be thought of as a sediment, and coals and shales are the main sedimentary reservoirs of organic matter in the solid Earth. Petrographic examination of organic matter in coals and shales at different scales reveal much about these important sedimentary rocks.

Bio: Michael Lambert earned a Bachelor of Science degree in geology at Kansas State University, a Master's degree in geology at Indiana University and a PhD in geology at the University of Kansas. Before teaching various classes in the geology department at Kansas State University, he was on the staff of the Oklahoma Geological Survey, worked as a petroleum geologist with Chevron in New Orleans and during his PhD studies at KU he worked for his support in the Petroleum Research Section of the Kansas Geological Survey. After earning his doctorate, he was a postdoctoral fellow with the Marine Geosciences Branch of the United States Naval Research Laboratory and then worked with the Great Plains – Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Center headquartered at Kansas State University before beginning teaching in the geology department.

Modality: In-Person (Thompson Hall, Rm 213)

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