Tuesday, December 7, 2021 2:30pm to 3:30pm
About this Event
918 N Martin Luther King Jr. Dr Manhattan KS 66506‐2800
#kawseTopic: Growing Support for Promoting Diversity and Equity
Speaker: Dr. Amy Betz, Asisstant Dean and Associate Professor, College of Engineering, K-State University
Session Description: Dr. Betz will discuss with us how promoting diversity and equity can be particularly challenging when working with groups of people at different levels of social identity and intercultural development. Using self-interest, building empathy, or drawing from shared values can all be effective but also have limitations. For example, a common shared value in American and engineering culture is meritocracy. In some situations, appealing to this shared value can help address an issue of fairness or equal opportunity but meritocracy can also be used to obfuscate privilege. In this talk, I will draw on existing theories as well as my own research in engineering education to discuss opportunities for growing support for promoting diversity and equity.
More Informaiton & RSVP Link: KAWSE ADVANCE Event Webpage
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