About this Event
1720 Anderson Ave Manhattan KS 66506‐6600
https://www.k-state.edu/research/faculty/other-resources/connections/Everyone engaged in research, scholarly, and creative activity and discovery at K-State are invited to attend and exhibit at this internal event.
Plan to:
During the event, the 2022 and 2023 winners of the Excellence in Innovation and Economic Engagement Award will be announced. The award recognizes exemplary economic engagement across efforts in talent, innovation and place.
Register to attend or exhibit
Exhibitors will have a table and display space for posters, banners, signs, handouts and some limited equipment or other items. Exhibitors must register no later than Wednesday, Oct. 4.
Attendees can register through Tuesday, Oct. 17.
Sponsored by: The Office of the Vice President for Research, K-State Innovation Partners and the Kansas State University Foundation.
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