About this Event
201 S. Broadway - Louisburg, KS 66053
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Free lunch & programs for older adults.
REGISTER by Noon on Tuesday, March 28 at www.louisburglibrary.org or
call 913-837-2217
- Consumers Beware: AvoidingIdentity Theft and Scams
Scams and IdentityTheft attempts happenevery day. We’d like to think we would never become a victim;however crafty tactics can easily catch us off guard.
- Fashioning an Easier Lifestyle withAssistive Technology
Learn about tools and devices you can use to accomplish everyday tasks – around the house and at social functions. A variety oftools will be demonstrated during program.
- Beginning theEstate Planning Process
No matter how large or small your net worth, everybodyhas something to pass on. An estate plan will help ensure that yourwishes are followed, even after you are gone.
Who GetsGrandma's Yellow Pie Plate
Learn how to distribute non-titled heirlooms withoutstarting a familyfeud. Tips for making a plan to distribute your belongings will be discussed.
More Information Available at www.louisburglibrary.org
*** Please contactthe library if assistance is needed ***
Educational programs presented by: Kathy Goul, Family and ConsumerScience Agent from K-State Research & Extension
Kansas State University is committed to making its services, activities and programs accessible to all participants. If you have specialrequirements due to a physical, vision, or hearing disability, contact KathyGoul at 913-294-4306.