918 N Martin Luther King Jr. Dr Manhattan, KS 66506‐2800

http://ksu.ed/ksbn #unthinkable
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How do we react when the unthinkable happens ­when the power grid goes down, cyber connections are stopped or a devastating tornado hits? Join us for a roundtable discussion about how a crisis could begin, what it means to be prepared, how far following the "science" can take us and the psychological impact during and after a crisis.

Maureen Olewnik, coordinator of the Global Food Systems Initiative, and Adrian Self, operations research analyst at the National Agricultural Biosecurity Center will be hosting the discussion.

The featured panelists discussing this topic will be Caterina Scoglio, professor of electrical and computer engineering; Chad Currier, chief information security officer; Gary Brase, professor and department head of psychological sciences; and Jim Stack, professor of plant pathology.

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