4-H members enrolled in the following projects: Beef (including Bucket Calf!), Dairy (Cattle & Goat), Meat Goat, Sheep, Swine and MARKET (meat pens) Poultry and Rabbits are REQUIRED to have YQCA certification to enter, show and/or sell animals at County Fairs within Meadowlark District. Double check your 4HOnline enrollment to make sure you have animal projects on enrollment, some of you have signed up for YQCA without livestock project enrollment.

ALL Youth enrolled in Livestock projects listed above, ages 7-18 (age as of Jan 1, 2025) are required to get this certification.  Youth age 8-18 can receive certification via In-Person Instructor led sessions ($3) or Web-Based training ($12).  Youth Age 7 MUST attend In-Person training.  Cloverbuds DO NOT need YQCA! Sign-up is available online for both types of training at: https://yqcaprogram.org/

In-Person YQCA Training is scheduled within Meadowlark at the following dates and times:

  • January 3, 9:30 A.M. – Woolsoncroft Event Center, Seneca
  • January 27, 5:30 P.M. – 4-H Building, Valley Falls
  • February 2, 3:00 P.M. – Northeast Kansas Heritage Complex, Holton

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